Musings, memories and magic from a long and grateful life . . .

Welcome to Creative Eldering, a place to explore attitudes and reinventions with regard to aging. Ditch the stereotypes of retirement and step into your own brand of elderhood by tapping into your imagination and innate creativity.

Unfortunately ageism is alive and well. Worn out tropes of haggard, hunched individuals, worthless to the culture, abound. But we are not victims. We have the power to reinvent and redefine what it means to age with dignity, grace and thriving. Age is not an indictment, it’s an invitation to our deepest, truest selves. Aging is a sacred passage.

No, seventy-two is not the new forty-two. Seventy-two is the new seventy-one. The idea is not to hang onto our youth in appearance and activity. The calling to the heart is to see beauty in all things, to adjust and adapt, shedding the trappings of ambition and replacing them with a love of life. Aging is a time when great beauty blooms from the depths of soul.

This is what creative eldering is — it’s an answer to the call that invites us to the biggest period of growth in our entire life; the most important and sacred passage of our life; and the contemplation and reflection that lead to mending, meditation and a touch of magic.

All Subscribers Receive:

  • A weekly newsletter or weekly tips on:

  • Nourishing body, mind and spirit

  • Adapting to the physical, mental and spiritual landscape of aging

  • Celebrating life with creative endeavors

Paid Subscribers Will Also Receive:

My deep appreciation for supporting my art. And as I grow, I hope to offer some writing/discussion groups to paid subscribers.

About Me:

First, I stand for an individual’s right to be a free and sovereign soul at every age. No one should be counted out because of the year they were born. In my journey, I’ve come to realize that the curious life, creativity and contemplative practices are what contribute to a thriving and grateful third chapter. I exercise the passion of this purpose by embracing these tenets and sharing them. I’m a proud seventy-something who is honored to serve and encourage others along the path of creative eldering.

I hold a degree in Writing and Poetics from Naropa University, a small Buddhist inspired school in Boulder, Colorado.  In addition to teaching me how to write, Naropa taught me about community service. Over the years, my service has taken the form of teaching creative writing to marginalized communities, including but not limited to half-way houses for teenagers and incarcerated women.

I’m the author of A Delightful Little Book on Aging, Creatrix Rising and the editor of the anthology Art In the Time of Unbearable Crisis, for which I wrote the introduction.

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Musings, memories and magic from the edges of a long and grateful life.


A fellow pilgrim figuring out how to thrive in life's third chapter, while writing my way through it all.