Sep 25Liked by Stephanie Raffelock

"...humbled by the collision of age and dreams ..." I know this feeling but have not seen it expressed in words until now. Thank you❤️

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It's the insightful among us who know that collision. Sending you all good wishes and good dreams . . . Big hugs. ~S

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Sep 25Liked by Stephanie Raffelock

How beautifully written Stephanie! I love Autumn. I love all of the seasons for different reasons. Your words hold such peace and warmth. I especially like your reference to the beauty of decay and how in the end we all return to stardust. Thank you for this ❤️

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You and I are in those autumnal years, and I think the peace and warmth suits us. See you in the stardust my friend. Big hugs.

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The poem is beautiful!

The entire essay a sublime meditation on impermanence and the importance of slowing down.

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Thank you, Kert. Slowing down seems to be the lesson for me. May we both contemplate this time of harvest and gathering and open to the deeper lessons autumn's gifts. Big hugs.

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Sep 25Liked by Stephanie Raffelock

The last four lines of the poem especially struck me. I particularly like the phrase “old women and butterflies.”

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I love that line too, Christina. It evokes images of transformation and becoming . . . Thanks for stopping by, reading and commenting. Sending you hugs, love and grace. ~S

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15 hrs agoLiked by Stephanie Raffelock

Fall is my season! I also decorate the 'stoop', the entrance into my home. I spend more time outside and breathe in the cooler air, have breakfast fires on the patio. I know the long, dark winter is coming, so I gather into myself the colors of fall.

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"I gather myself into the colors of the fall." What beautiful language to describe that which is indescribable. Autumn invites us into a mythopoetic world. Big hugs, Jan.

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Stephanie, I absolutely love this post. Your beautiful writing and insights really are amazing. I love the way you honor autumn -- it has given me a renewed perspective. Love these lines in your gorgeous poem: "Acceptance makes things whole again." It's so very true. We must learn to accept so many of life's circumstances -- good or not so good. I enjoy reading your work!

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Acceptance has been a big lesson for me in 2024. A hard place to get to when I have so much invested in control. Being in nature, gathering in the autumn -- that's helpful. Sending love and big hugs, Beth.

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Gather scattered pieces… make an altar

I will come back when I’m not on my phone and share this exquisite piece of being in your autumn time

Beautiful I’m happy to be here with you

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Sending you love and goodwill, Prajna. I'm always happy to see you here. Be well and big hugs.

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Sep 25Liked by Stephanie Raffelock

Lovely, this season speaks to me deeply too. There is great beauty in aging and decay, as you point out. Old women and butterflies do seem a natural pairing, don't they? xo

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I love this time of year. I feel the need to slow down the way that nature does before hibernation. It's definitely a time to reflect and embrace stillness.

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Hi Stephanie,

I love everything about this post - starting with the title. It's perfect. I feel like autumn gathers us into her arms as well. It's comforting to realize on a deeper level that our connection with Mother Nature is very real and an evolving thing. Fall reminds me of this deep connection. Fall is beautiful, fleeting, and yes, a bit sad too. Without a doubt, it's my favorite season. Reading this post makes me treasure it even more. Thank you.

And your front porch looks lovely and so inviting. Enjoy the season!

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